Hi! Im Veratrine but y'all can call me Vera. I'm a femme lesbian in training, magical girl fan, gf-wife lover, catboy extrodinare.
I'm autistic, hallucinate, and tend to have delusions. Fun!/s
I have severe social anxiety but I'm always open to making new friends! If you for whatever reason think I'm cool and possibly friend material from what you learn about me on my webbedsite, feel free to reach out to me!

Basic Info

I draw sometimes, have been for the better part of 6 or 7-ish years. My style changes slightly with every piece I draw nowadays, so don't expect consistency bc I draw whatever I want whenever I want bc yay.
I like Madoka Magica (obv) and most of its spin-offs! Though Magia Record is on thin ice that gets thinner everyday. I also like Zombieland Saga, Revue Starlight, and My Little pony. That concludes the shows I like!
A few games I'm partial to are Doki Doki Literature Club, Bang_Dream!, Blue Reflection, and Needy Streamer Overload. I also tend to play random games I find interesting on itch.io. My fav genre is pyschological horror btw!
Onto interests that cannot be put into a category! These include paleontology, zoology, a bit of pyschology, rollercoasters, lessor known historic tragedies, collecting figures, and my gf!
I was also very VERY interested in plushies as a little kid, I had hundreds of them like no lie. So fellow plush enthusiasts who made their parents suffer with the sheer amount of plushies they had, hi.

I also went through this phase of reading nothing but lesbian manga from dec 2021 to feb 2022, so ig there's that.
I have no favs from that expirience, but I did mange to stumble upon this very intersting autobiography by the name of 'My Lesbian Expirience With Loneliness' that I enjoyed and related to. Warning, it has some pretty heavy topics so read at your own risk.
Why Did I make this Site?
I made this site because I hate modern social media, and though I was born just at it's end, I want to be able to expirience stuff I technically grew up with. That being internet 1.0. I have prior expirience coding simple Pico8 games, this is my first time coding html. I've been having fun! My website is a bit janky but that's alright!
That's all I know about myself! I know myself as much an aqauintence would know me! If I find anything out, I'll be sure to add it!
Even if I never get to meet you, I love you!/p If you took time out of your day to look at my silly little website, thank you! I wish only the best for you.